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Gold Rate Today in Davangere
gold rate in Davangere

24K Gold/ 10gm
22K Gold/ 10gm

Last updated on: 8th Mar 2023

Gold Price in Davanagere : Today's Rate and Top Influencing Factors 

Davanagere is the administrative headquarters of the Davanagere district and the 6th largest city in Karnataka. The city is a popular textile hub with a good road and rail network. Its location is strategically placed at the center of the state. This indicates Davanagere is a cultural melting pot, where gold is always in demand.

Karnataka is known for its cultural heritage and people have an avid interest in buying gold. Not only are gold ornaments considered fashionable, but they are equally auspicious. Davanagere is not an exception either. It boasts a sizeable community of jewellers, skilled at crafting exquisite designs.

The demand for gold in the city goes up during weddings and festive seasons, with many people buying gold.  With rising demand, the gold rates change. From festivities to inflation, several factors impact the gold prices in the city.

Besides jewellery, various forms of gold investments are available in Davanagere. But before investing, you must check the ongoing gold rates and factors that affect these rates. This will help you make an informed buying decision.

So, here's a look at the current gold prices in Davanagere and more!

Gold Rate Comparison - 22K vs 24K

Investment Options for Gold in Davanagere

Gold Coins  

Gold coins are one of the most popular investment options for gold. They can be purchased from most jewellers, financial institutions and eCommerce platforms.

Digital Gold  

Digital gold is a way to invest in physical gold online. Investors can purchase and own gold without having to take physical possession of it. 

Gold Exchange Traded Funds (Gold ETFs) 

Gold exchange-traded funds are open-ended funds where each unit represents physical gold. They are traded on stock exchanges and thus bought and sold like stocks.

Sovereign Gold Bonds (SGB)  

Sovereign Gold Bonds are Reserve Bank of India-issued Government bonds, backed by physical gold. The bonds are denominated in grams of gold.

Gold Mutual Funds

Mutual Funds  

Gold mutual funds are types of mutual funds that invest in gold ETFs. Hence, the underlying asset is always physical gold.

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Today's 22K & 24K Gold Rates Per Gram in Davangere

1 gram
-11 (0.20%)
0 (0.00%)
8 grams
-88 (0.20%)
0 (0.00%)
10 grams
-110 (0.20%)
0 (0.00%)
100 grams
-1100 (0.20%)
0 (0.00%)
1 gram
-11 (0.20%)
0 (0.00%)
8 grams
-88 (0.20%)
0 (0.00%)
10 grams
-110 (0.20%)
0 (0.00%)
100 grams
-1100 (0.20%)
0 (0.00%)

Who Decides the Gold Rates in Davangere?

In India, the International Bullion Jewellers Association (IBJA) plays a vital role in determining the gold prices in India. Generally, IBJA consists of the largest gold dealers in India, and the price is determined based on the rates at which they have purchased the gold from the international markets.

Also, banks are the largest importers of gold and supply gold to the bullion dealers in India by adding up their fees and increasing the gold price.

Gold vs Fixed Deposits 

Both gold and fixed deposits (FD) are preferred asset classes for Indians. But the interest income on our FDs is fixed, whereas the return on the gold can vary depending on the various market conditions.

Gold provides a return based on market trends, so gold can offer better returns than FD during inflation as the rates in FDs are fixed.

Historical Gold Rate in Davangere for Last 10 Days

10 grams
Day24K Gold22K Gold
09 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)
08 Mar 2023
-110 (0.20%)
-100.84 (0.17%)
07 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)
06 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)
05 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)
04 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)
03 Mar 2023
+160 (0.29%)
+146.67 (0.24%)
02 Mar 2023
+160 (0.29%)
+146.67 (0.24%)
01 Mar 2023
+100 (0.18%)
+91.67 (0.15%)
28 Feb 2023
-150 (0.27%)
-137.51 (0.23%)
Day24K Gold22K Gold
09 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)
08 Mar 2023
-110 (0.20%)
-100.84 (0.17%)
07 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)
06 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)
05 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)
04 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)
03 Mar 2023
+160 (0.29%)
+146.67 (0.24%)
02 Mar 2023
+160 (0.29%)
+146.67 (0.24%)
01 Mar 2023
+100 (0.18%)
+91.67 (0.15%)
28 Feb 2023
-150 (0.27%)
-137.51 (0.23%)
Day24K Gold22K Gold
09 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)
08 Mar 2023
-110 (0.20%)
-100.84 (0.17%)
07 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)
06 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)
05 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)
04 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)
03 Mar 2023
+160 (0.29%)
+146.67 (0.24%)
02 Mar 2023
+160 (0.29%)
+146.67 (0.24%)
01 Mar 2023
+100 (0.18%)
+91.67 (0.15%)
28 Feb 2023
-150 (0.27%)
-137.51 (0.23%)
Day24K Gold22K Gold
09 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)
08 Mar 2023
-110 (0.20%)
-100.84 (0.17%)
07 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)
06 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)
05 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)
04 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)
03 Mar 2023
+160 (0.29%)
+146.67 (0.24%)
02 Mar 2023
+160 (0.29%)
+146.67 (0.24%)
01 Mar 2023
+100 (0.18%)
+91.67 (0.15%)
28 Feb 2023
-150 (0.27%)
-137.51 (0.23%)

How is the Purity of Gold Evaluated in Davangere?

Testing the purity of gold and learning about the purity tests can save you from fraudsters selling impure gold.

To save yourself from these fraudulent practices, you may verify the purity of gold through these well-known methods:

  • Purity grade: You can look for the purity grade on the gold, which ranges from 333 to 999.
  • BIS Mark: The gold jewellery or object should have the triangular BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) mark.
  • Jeweller Identification Mark: You can always look for the jeweller identification mark, and the BIS certification on the gold purchased.

You can buy your gold in Davangere through jewellery shops and banks. 

While buying gold, you should track the gold prices, understand its associated risk factors, and consult your financial advisor for better capital allocation and returns.

Factors Affecting the Gold Prices in Davanagere

Central Bank Interest Rate Hike

The central bank's interest rate hikes increase the cost of borrowing. This, in turn, reduces the demand for gold, eventually leading to a decrease in gold prices. 


The inflation rate is one of the critical factors affecting the gold prices in Davanagere. When the inflation rate is high, the prices of gold also tend to increase. This is because gold is considered a safe investment during high inflation. 

Geopolitical Tensions  

If there is uncertainty or conflict in the world, investors may turn to gold as a way to preserve their wealth. This can lead to increased demand and higher gold prices

Festival Season

The demand for gold in Devanagari increases during the festival season. The increased demand leads to higher prices for gold. 

Government Reserves

The gold prices in Davanagere are affected by gold reserves held by the Government of India. When the government has more gold in its reserves, the prices of gold tend to go up. On the other hand, when the government holds less gold in its reserves, the prices go down.  

Currency Fluctuations  

The value of the US Dollar impacts the price of gold in Davanagere directly. Gold is traded worldwide in US Dollars. With India importing much of its gold, any change in the value of the Dollar against the Indian Rupee makes imports more expensive. This leads to fluctuations in gold rates.

Demand and supply

The prices of gold in an economy are governed by its demand and supply in the economy. When there is more demand for gold in the economy, the price will rise, which you can notice in Davangere during festivals and wedding seasons.

Taxes and duties

Whenever gold is imported, it attracts an import duty. This affects the price of gold. Also, with regulatory changes in the tax rates, duties impact the prices of gold in Indian states.

Interest yield in the current market

If the interest rates are high in the economy, people tend to sell gold and acquire cash to gain from the current interest yields. And when the market interest rates are low, people rush to buy gold, thus increasing its demand and prices.

Economic crisis

Gold is considered a stable asset in the market, so when there is an economic slowdown, investors shift their investment in commodities like gold, increasing the price of gold in Davangere.

FAQs of Gold Rate in Davangere

What are the key risks in different gold investment Options?  


There are numerous risks associated with investing in gold. These include market risk, price risk, liquidity risk, political risk, and currency risk.

How to buy Gold in Davanagere? 


What are the types of physical gold available in Davanagere? 


What is the best time to buy Gold in Davanagere? 

sovereign gold bonds

Sovereign Gold Bond

2.5% p.a. + Gold price increase

  • RBI issued bonds
  • Best deals filtered for you
  • Tax exempted when held till maturity
Gold Rate Calculator



Purity of Gold

₹55,440 / 10gm

Last updated on: 8th Mar 2023

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