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Showing 438 Bonds

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NameIssue SizeMaturityCoupon
Sterlite Grid 16 LimitedCRISIL AINE0LDB07016200.00Cr10 Nov 202313.95 %
Muthoot Fincorp LimitedCRISIL AINE549K0806150.00Cr31 Dec 999912.00 %
Muthoot Fincorp LimitedCRISIL AINE549K08459100.00Cr31 Dec 999912.00 %
Muthoot Fincorp LimitedCRISIL AINE549K0814524.00Cr31 Dec 999912.00 %
Muthoot Fincorp LimitedCRISIL AINE549K0844250.00Cr31 Dec 999912.00 %
Muthoot Fincorp LimitedCRISIL AINE549K0805354.00Cr31 Dec 999912.00 %
Muthoot Fincorp LimitedCRISIL AINE549K0846750.00Cr31 Dec 999912.00 %
Muthoot Fincorp LimitedCRISIL AINE549K0815248.00Cr31 Dec 999912.00 %
Muthoot Fincorp LimitedCRISIL AINE549K0804626.00Cr31 Dec 999912.00 %
Muthoot Fincorp LimitedCRISIL AINE549K0807914.00Cr31 Dec 999912.00 %
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What are A rated bonds?

Bonds with an ‘A’ credit rating are moderate investment-grade bonds. This means they are considered relatively safe investments with a low risk of default as compared to BBB-rated bonds. Companies typically issue A-rated bonds with a good financial history and a decent track record of paying their debts. CRISIL, ICRA, CARE, and India Ratings are some Indian rating agencies that rate PSU and corporate bonds in India. These rating agencies use various factors to determine a company's bond rating, including financial metrics like interest coverage ratios, leverage ratios, etc., and qualitative factors like corporate governance,  industry trends and competitive position. Some of the most common issuers of A rated bonds are public-sector banks and large private-sector companies.

What do credit ratings of bonds mean?

AAAThese are securities with the highest safety as they have the lowest credit risk and highest safety regarding fulfilling financial obligations.
AAThese are securities with high safety as they have very low credit risk and very high safety regarding fulfilling financial obligations.
AThese are securities with moderate safety as they have considerably low credit risk and high safety regarding fulfilling financial obligations.
BBBThese are securities with moderate safety as they have moderate credit risk and moderate safety regarding fulfilling financial obligations.
BBThese are securities with moderate risk regarding fulfilling financial obligations.
BThese are securities with high risk regarding fulfilling financial obligations.
CThese are securities with extremely high risk regarding fulfilling financial obligations.
DSecurities with this rating are expected to default.

*Ratings for CRISIL AA to CRISIL C may include modifiers, such as "+" or "-", to indicate the relative standing within the category. For example, a rating of CRISIL A+ would indicate a stronger standing than a CRISIL A. Similarly, a  CRISIL A bond will have a lower default risk than CRISIL A- bond

What is the bond yield of A bonds?

A rated bonds have a higher credit risk than A+ rated bonds and a lower credit risk than A- rated bonds, so the returns on such bonds are adjusted accordingly. If, as an investor, you are looking for investment options that provide moderate capital protection and periodic income, you can consider investing in A rated bonds.

What are the benefits of A rated Bonds?

Since ‘A rated bonds’ are a moderately safe investment product, they provide capital preservation to a certain level. As a result, they are a good investment choice for conservative investors who want regular returns.


‘A rated bonds’ offer a moderately reliable investment avenue by providing regular income, stability, and diversification benefits. Issuers with good financial health and robust management practices back these bonds. You can invest in A rated bonds if you are looking for non-volatile investment products.

FAQs about A Rated Bonds

How are ‘A rated bonds’ taxed?

The tax treatment of ‘A rated bonds’ is similar to other bonds. The interest you earn from ‘A rated bonds’ will be taxed as per your income tax slab under the head ‘Income from Other Sources'. The selling price and the holding period of the bond determine capital gains from bonds. A holding period of 12 months or more is considered long-term for listed bonds, while for unlisted bonds, it's 36 months. Short-term gains for listed and unlisted bonds are taxed at the individual slab rate. Long-term gains are taxed at 10% without indexation for listed bonds and 20% for unlisted bonds.

How can I find A rated bonds?

Many companies and governments issue ‘A rated’ bonds. You can find ‘A rated’ bonds by searching for them on a bond platform or contacting your financial advisor.

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