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Silver Rate Today in Jaunpur
silver rate in Jaunpur


Last updated on: 8th Mar 2023

Silver, the precious metal, has attracted many investors to Jaunpur. As one of India's foremost historical trading centres, Jaunpur is an excellent place to find Silver.

Silver is a safe and reliable investment that has seen its price rise over the years, resulting in it being viewed as a commodity by many investors. The increasing demand for Silver has made it a consistent market in Jaunpur.

Silver Rate Comparison

How Is the Purity of Silver Evaluated in Jaunpur?

In Jaunpur, Silver is usually evaluated by testing its purity. The most accurate method is testing the fineness of Silver bars and coins in an XRF (X-ray Fluorescence) machine.

Another common way to test Silver's purity is a chemical test. It involves applying specific tests to Silver coins and bars, such as the acid test, a standard method for measuring the purity of Silver. 

How to Buy Silver in Jaunpur?

The best place to buy Silver in Jaunpur is from a reputed and licensed bullion dealer. Make sure to ask questions regarding the dealer's background and check the purity of Silver before making a purchase.

Numerous online dealers offer Silver in Jaunpur. It is essential to check their reputation before purchasing and compare prices with other dealers to get the best deal. 

Silver rates as per grams in Jaunpur

1 gram
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)
8 grams
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)
10 grams
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)
100 grams
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)

Silver as an Investment in Jaunpur

Investing in Silver in Jaunpur can be done in several ways, such as:

Silver Bullion

Buying Silver bullion is a popular option for investors who want to buy and store physical Silver.

Silver Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are an attractive option for investors who need more time or expertise to buy and store physical Silver. ETFs, offer the opportunity to diversify one's portfolio and benefit from Silver's price movements. 

Mining Stocks

Investors interested in Silver can also invest in mining stocks or individual mining companies.

Historical Silver Rate in Jaunpur for Last 10 Days

10 grams
Day Silver
09 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
08 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
07 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
06 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
05 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
04 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
03 Mar 2023
-2 (0.00%)
02 Mar 2023
+12 (0.00%)
01 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
28 Feb 2023
-19 (0.00%)
Day Silver
09 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
08 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
07 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
06 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
05 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
04 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
03 Mar 2023
-2 (0.00%)
02 Mar 2023
+12 (0.00%)
01 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
28 Feb 2023
-19 (0.00%)
Day Silver
09 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
08 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
07 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
06 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
05 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
04 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
03 Mar 2023
-2 (0.00%)
02 Mar 2023
+12 (0.00%)
01 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
28 Feb 2023
-19 (0.00%)
Day Silver
09 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
08 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
07 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
06 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
05 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
04 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
03 Mar 2023
-2 (0.00%)
02 Mar 2023
+12 (0.00%)
01 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
28 Feb 2023
-19 (0.00%)
Day Silver
09 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
08 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
07 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
06 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
05 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
04 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
03 Mar 2023
-2 (0.00%)
02 Mar 2023
+12 (0.00%)
01 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
28 Feb 2023
-19 (0.00%)

Paper Silver vs. Physical Silver

Paper Silver investing typically consists of exchange-traded funds (ETFs), marginal futures, and paper contracts. ETFs are a basket of investments held in trust by a securities firm. Futures are agreements to buy and sell a particular commodity at a specific price, usually within a certain period. Paper contracts are agreements to purchase Silver on deferred payment terms but require physical delivery.

Physical Silver investments are forms of Silver that investors can purchase and have in their possession. Physical Silver includes coins, bars, and bullion. Coins can be legal tender and range in denominations, while bars come in various sizes and shapes. Investors in physical Silver typically buy it through dealers, coin stores, and online outlets and can keep the Silver in their possession.

Impact of GST on Silver Rate in Jaunpur

Goods and Service Tax (GST) impacts the Silver rate in Jaunpur directly. The rate of GST is 3% for buying Silver, making it more economical for individuals to purchase Silver in Jaunpur. The impact of GST on the Silver rate in Jaunpur depends on the type of Silver people purchase. Precious metal items purchased for investment purposes, such as bars and coins, are exempt from GST, so there should be no direct impact on the rate. 

Understanding the Demand for Silver in Jaunpur

There are various reasons why Silver rates in Jaunpur are higher than those in other cities:

1. Jaunpur is a hub for gold and Silver traders, making the market attractive to investors.

2. Silver is used in many traditional items like jewellery, idols, and coins, which are popular in Jaunpur.

3. Silver in Jaunpur is considered a safe investment due to its liquidity, scarcity, and potential for appreciation in value.

Some Interesting Facts on Silver & Silver Rates in Jaunpur vs. Other Cities

• Silver is used in many industries, such as electronics, jewellery, dentistry, coins, etc.

• In Jaunpur, the price of Silver is usually determined by the Indian Commodity Exchange, which lists live rates for Silver contracts.

• Jaunpur's Silver rates are usually very close to the national average. However, they tend to be slightly higher due to the city's higher import taxes.

• Silver rates in other cities may vary significantly, depending on the local economy and circulation of Silver coins.

FAQs of Silver Rate in Jaunpur

 How do I check the current Silver rates in Jaunpur?


You can check the current Silver rates in Jaunpur on the websites of various bullion dealers and banks. You can also use various online resources and websites that provide live and updated Silver rates to keep track of the current Silver rate in Jaunpur.

 How often do Silver rates fluctuate?


Is Silver a good investment?


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