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Silver Rate Today in Dibrugarh
silver rate in Dibrugarh


Last updated on: 8th Mar 2023

Dibrugarh is a city in the northeastern Indian state of Assam. It is located on the bank of the Brahmaputra River. From the bustling market to the beautiful tea gardens, Dibrugarh has been a hub for Assamese culture for decades.

The Dibrugarh market is where you can find just about anything—from your run-of-the-mill spices and vegetables to traditional clothing, silver coins, bullions, and jewellery to rare antiques and relics.

Silver Rate Comparison

Factors Affecting Silver Rates In Dibrugarh

Knowing why silver prices go up or down helps you to invest better. Here are some of the factors that affect the price of silver in Dibrugarh:

Global factors

Silver price heavily depends on the global economy. If there is a concern about inflation or economic growth, people tend to buy more silver to protect their wealth. That drives up the price of silver. On the contrary, if there are concerns about deflation or recession, people sell off their holdings in silver. It can cause prices to fall.

Local factors

Local factors also affect the silver market in Dibrugarh. For example, if there is a shortage of silver bullion in Dibrugarh, it will impact the price.


Silver comes in various purity levels, ranging from 100% to 80%. And the higher the purity, the more the price.

Supply and demand

If demand for silver increases, it will put upward pressure on the price. It is because there will be a greater need for it as an industrial metal and a store of value. Conversely, if supply decreases, this could also push up prices.

Taxes and hallmarking charges

These charges vary from state to state. So ensure you get a clear idea about what % goes towards taxes before making any purchases.

Silver rates as per grams in Dibrugarh

1 gram
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)
8 grams
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)
10 grams
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)
100 grams
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%)

How To Buy Silver In Dibrugarh?

Buying silver in Dibrugarh is not a hard task. All you need to know is where to get the best quality and a reasonable price.

The following are some places where you can get silver:

  • A jewellery store in Dibrugarh;
  • Online stores like Amazon or eBay 

There are many trusted jewellery stores in Dibrugarh. You can get the purest form of silver and silver-plated items from them.


Understanding The Demand For Silver In Dibrugarh

There is a lot of demand for silver in Dibrugarh. The demand for silver in Dibrugarh has been increasing over the years. There are many reasons for this. Some reasons are:

Dibrugarh has a major industrial centre with a wide range of manufacturing industries that use silver in their production processes. It has applications as an electrical conductor, a reflector material, and an alloying agent.

Dibrugarh hosts a large number of tourists every year. And many of them come from other parts of India or other countries. They purchase silver coins and jewellery as gifts for friends and family back home. 

Historical Silver Rate in Dibrugarh for Last 10 Days

10 grams
Day Silver
09 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
08 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
07 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
06 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
05 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
04 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
03 Mar 2023
-2 (0.00%)
02 Mar 2023
+12 (0.00%)
01 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
28 Feb 2023
-19 (0.00%)
Day Silver
09 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
08 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
07 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
06 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
05 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
04 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
03 Mar 2023
-2 (0.00%)
02 Mar 2023
+12 (0.00%)
01 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
28 Feb 2023
-19 (0.00%)
Day Silver
09 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
08 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
07 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
06 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
05 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
04 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
03 Mar 2023
-2 (0.00%)
02 Mar 2023
+12 (0.00%)
01 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
28 Feb 2023
-19 (0.00%)
Day Silver
09 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
08 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
07 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
06 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
05 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
04 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
03 Mar 2023
-2 (0.00%)
02 Mar 2023
+12 (0.00%)
01 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
28 Feb 2023
-19 (0.00%)
Day Silver
09 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
08 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
07 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
06 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
05 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
04 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
03 Mar 2023
-2 (0.00%)
02 Mar 2023
+12 (0.00%)
01 Mar 2023
0 (0.00%)
28 Feb 2023
-19 (0.00%)

Paper Silver Vs. Physical Silver


Paper Silver

Paper silver is a derivative of physical silver. You can trade paper silver through various financial instruments that track the spot price of physical silver. Further, it has no intrinsic value. It is a contract representing claims on an amount of physical silver held in storage at a designated depository.  

Physical Silver

Physical silver is the actual metal that can be held in your hand. And it is the best option for investors interested in holding precious metals.

Which is better?

It's important to remember that the two types of silver are different and will serve your needs differently.

Paper silver is a good option if you're looking for a convenient way to invest in the silver market without going through storage and insurance hassles. Further, there is less risk involved with holding a claim on an underlying asset than directly owning it.

However, make sure you're dealing with reputable companies and understand the limitations of paper investments before making your decision.

On the other hand, if you're looking for an investment that will provide tangible value over time and protection against inflation and other economic factors, physical silver is more suitable for your needs.

How Is The Purity Of Silver Evaluated In Dibrugarh?

If you're buying silver in Dibrugarh, you must know what to look for. The purity of silver can affect its price and your health. Here are some ways to evaluate the purity of silver in Dibrugarh before buying it:


The stamp is usually on the reverse side of the coin. It will be a symbol or letter indicating the silver's purity. Further, the year of the issue may also be shown on this stamp.

Stone Rubbing

Silver is rubbed on a stone to leave a black mark to check its purity. If it is pure, the black mark is shiny and smooth; if it is not, the black mark is dull and opaque. Further, the silver piece is not pure without black marks.


Pure silver is non-magnetic and will not attract the magnet at all. A non-magnetic material such as copper or brass will attract a magnet. So if your silver attracts a magnet, you have purchased fake silver.


You can determine if something is pure silver by weighing it on a scale. If it weighs more, it's pure silver, And if it weighs less, it's not pure silver.

FAQs of Silver Rate in Dibrugarh

Is there any upper limit to buying silver in India?


No, there is no upper limit to buying silver in India. However, you must pay government taxes if the reported silver exceeds a certain limit.

Can I buy silver without paying any tax?


Can silver get rusted?


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