What Happens If You Don’t Use Your Credit Card?

Impact on Credit Score

Closing an inactive credit card, especially one with a very long-standing history at a bank, can negatively impact your credit score.

Reduced Credit Limit Utilisation (CUR)

Maintaining a low CUR by not spending using your credit cards benefits your credit score, but having zero utilisation may not showcase effective credit management.

What is CUR?

Credit utilisation is the percentage of your total credit used from the total credit available to you.

Inactivity Charges

Some credit card issuers may impose dormancy fees or the inactivity charges if you don’t use your credit card for an extended period.

Card Closure

Credit Card Issuers may close inactive accounts. This might not immediately impact your credit score but can reduce the overall credit available to you.

Credit cards offer many rewards programmes, cashback offers, and various benefits such as complimentary lounge access. You miss out on these rewards and perks.

Loss of Rewards & Benefits

Difficulty in Emergency Situations

Inactive credit cards can be  a problem during financial emergencies. If your card is dormant, you need to request reactivation, which can take some time.

Less Financial  Flexibility

When you don’t use your credit cards, you have less financial flexibility in terms of making large or unexpected payments.

Negative Credit History Impact

Building a credit history is crucial for financial transactions such as loan or mortgage applications. An inactive credit card has a negative impact on your credit history. 

What to Do if Credit Card is Unused?

Maintaining open credit card accounts, even when not actively using them, can be beneficial for building a positive credit history, provided you're not avoiding debt.